Of Sound and Vision

Week 1
1/3 Introduction to Max
> patches | reading | addendum
Week 2
1/9 Minimalism and the History of Techno
> patches | reading
1/10 Basics of Synthesis
> patches | reading
Week 3
1/16 Sound and Our Environment
> patches | reading
1/17 Aesthetics of Noise
> patches | reading | addendum
Week 4
1/23 Introduction to Jitter
> patches | reading | addendum
1/24 History of Visual Music, "Synaesthesia in Art"
> patches | reading | addendum
Week 5
1/30 History of Circuit-Bending and the Aesthetics of Failure
> patches | reading | addendum
1/31 Alternate Interfaces
> patches
Week 6
2/6 Getting more from your data
> patches
2/7 Work day
Week 7
2/13 Final crit
1/10 Basics of Synthesis

Modify step sequencer example from 1/9 to work with patch from 1/3

Listening exercises
  • Olivier Messiaen - Jardin du sommeil d'amour; Tres modere, tres tendre from Turangalila-Symphonie
  • Oskar Sala - Fanfare and Rede Des Toten Chrisus Vom Weltgebäude Herab, Dass Kein Gott Sei ("Speech of the Dead Christ from the Universe Saying There Is No God")
  • Edgar Varése - Poéme Electronique and Ecuatorial
  • Karlheinz Stockhausen - Struktur I from Kontakte
  • Gordon Mumma - Megaton for William Burroughs
  • Morton Subotnik - Part 1 from Silver Apples of the Moon
  • David Tudor - Toneburst
Discuss reading + listening exercises

  • AM (Ring)
  • FM
  • LFO's
Spectral Synthesis w/ CNMAT Externals
  • sinusoids~
  • resonators~
  • line
  • line~
  • snapshot~
  • number~
  • counter
  • fori
Subpatchers / Bpatchers

  • #1, #2, etc.
  • automatic w/ #0
  • "voices," "steal," "note" / "midinote," "target" messages
  • thispatcher / voice allocation
  • adsr~
Make a polyphonic synthesizer with at least one automatable / modulatable feature, and prepare a 1-minute piece for performance in class.
Thom Holmes - Musical Precedents to Electronic Music: Origins of the Avant-Garde from Electronic and Experimental Music

John Cage - The Future of Music: Credo from Silence

Pierre Schaeffer - Acousmatics

R. Murray Schafer - The Music of the Environment