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Introduction to Max
Class introductions
Who is Max?
Who made Max?
Who uses Max?
Why use Max?
Why patcher scripting?
Max Interface Overview:
- menus, object instantiation
- how to get help
- about the documentation
- options menu, incl. file path, dsp status
- extras window, incl. audio tester
Objects, Messages:
- object
- message
- comment
- bang
- toggle
Order of Events:
- right-to-left, bottom-to-top
- debugger
- trigger
Data Types:
- int
- float
- symbol
- signal
- jitter matrix
Data Flow:
- select
- <, <=, ==, >=, >
- If / else
- route / OSC-route
- gate / switch
- gate~ / selector~
Basic UI Controls:
- int / float number boxes
- hslider, vslider
- multislider
- volume slider
- signal number box
Sound Input / Output:
- ezdac~ / dac~, ezadc~ / adc~
Introduction to MSP:
- cycle~, phasor~, saw~, tri~, noise~, pink~
Make a monophonic synthesizer with multiple "voices" that is controllable via basic UI controls.
Max Matthews - The Ear and How It Works from Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics edited by Perry R. Cook
Peter Manning - The Characteristics of Digital Audio from Electronic and Computer Music
Steve Reich - Music as a Gradual Process
Philip Sherburne - Digital Discipline: Minimalism in House and Techno