Attila Faraveli + Mem1 at Machines with Magnets › 11.24.2014
Attila Faravelli + Mem1 will be performing at Machines with Magnets on November 24 alongside Morgan Evans-Weiler, Luke Moldof and Sunk Heaven. More >>

Mem1 at Washington St. › 11.21.2014
Mem1 will be performing at Washington St. Art in Somerville, MA on November 21 alongside SULT and Jesse Summers. More >>

Schaulust Dissertation Performance › 11.14.2014
I will be presenting my dissertation performance, a project I am calling Schaulust, featuring stroboscopic light and robotically-controlled mirrors alongside an investigation into the sonic potentials of rhythm and noise, at Brown’s Kasper Multi-purpose Room on November 14.
Come celebrate the end of this ridiculous journey and the beginning of another one that promises to be even more so, if luck so has it.
If you’re going up Waterman, it’s at the top of the hill, just past RISD: go through the arch at 75 Waterman St. (as if you were going into the "main quad"), then turn right and go downstairs into the basement.
It should be obvious if you’re heading in the right direction.
The show starts at 8pm sharp & is totally free.
No questions asked.
You might even get a letterpress printed poster if you get there in time.
They will also be free.
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